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Website Development

At Peritus Digital, we pride ourselves on delivering top-notch website development solutions that prioritise security, performance, and reliability. With a focus on utilising industry-leading technologies, we design and build websites that not only look stunning but also offer robust protection against cyber threats. One of the key elements that sets us apart is our approach to website development, where we leverage the power of HTML and CSS to mitigate security risks effectively.

Our Approach to Secure Web Development

When you choose Peritus Digital for your website development needs, you can trust that security is at the forefront of our process. Our team of experienced developers follows industry best practices and adheres to security guidelines to ensure that your website is resilient against potential cyber threats.

From conducting thorough threat assessments to implementing robust security controls, we take every precaution to safeguard your website and protect your digital assets. By leveraging the inherent security features of HTML and CSS, we deliver websites that not only meet your aesthetic and functional requirements but also provide peace of mind knowing that your online presence is secure.

HTML and CSS provide a minimalist approach to web development, which translates to a smaller attack surface. By eschewing complex dependencies and third-party plugins, we reduce the potential entry points for malicious actors, thereby enhancing the overall security posture of your website.

Unlike server-side rendering frameworks, HTML and CSS render content directly in the user's browser. This client-side rendering approach minimises the exposure of sensitive data and logic on the server, mitigating the risk of server-side attacks such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

Many modern websites are adopting static site generators powered by HTML and CSS, eliminating the need for dynamic server-side processing. This static approach significantly reduces the attack surface and mitigates common security vulnerabilities associated with dynamic content generation.

HTML and CSS adhere to open web standards, ensuring cross-browser compatibility and consistent rendering across different platforms and devices. By adhering to established standards, we mitigate the risk of compatibility issues that could be exploited by attackers targeting specific browser vulnerabilities.

With HTML and CSS, you have full control over your website's codebase. This transparency allows for thorough code reviews, security audits, and the implementation of best practices to fortify your website against emerging threats and vulnerabilities.

Website Development Code

Staff developing a website